MSRP $2795
EXCELLENT QUANTITY DISCOUNTS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE!Fully stretch and engage Abdominal Muscles conveniently while in the standing position. Each enjoyable rep just takes 1.5 seconds and works the abdominals from the bottom up on the return and from the top down on the final crunch movement. Get the best abs and obliques machine available for your clients, athletes, or home.
Use the Lean Abs Machine for Fitness, Bodybuilding and Rehab. Beginners, Fitness Enthusiast, and Body Builders Love It. Train Your Abs From Standing? Think of the Benefits! No Bending at the Waist; Extra Leverage Resistance; Pivoting On Your Toes (not knees); Variable Degree of the Lean; Fully Stretches the Core with Resistance; Secondary Muscles at Work; Forearm Support; More Movement at the Elbows (incorporates more upper abdominal movement); Plenty of Leg Exercises; and You May Use Assistance or Resistance on Any Exercise That It Performs.
Abdominal Lean (exceptional)
Obliques Lean (nothing better)
Waist Bendout (lower abs, replaces Vertical Knee Raise and Ab Slings)
Standing Abs Crunch
Standing Obliques Crunch
Plus Much More: You can change angles or lift leg during the movement as in a standing bicycle movement.
Also performs these assisted or resisted leg exercises:
Full Body Thrust (thrust aways, jammer)
Front Angled Squat
Reverse Angled Squat(awesome)
Angled Calf Raises (great)
Isometric Leg Extension (new)
Front Lunge (controlled movement, excellent)
Side Lunge(controlled movement, excellent)
Stretching Movements
Many Color Options Available
Shipping 08 Side Stack Model Now!
Latest Design features a Side Stack
Quick Pop Pin Assist/Resistance
Your Ab Fitness Section is not complete without it!
200 Lb. Weight Stack
Frame 2 X 4 and 3 X 3 Strong 11 Gauge Steel Tubing
Warranty 3 Years Frame 1 Year Upholstery/Parts
Order For Your Gym Now!
Proudly Made in the USAAsk for it at your gym.